The Best Part of Waking Up Had Nothing To Do With What Was in My Cup
The Best Part of Waking Up Had Nothing To Do With What Was in My Cup

The Best Part of Waking Up Had Nothing To Do With What Was in My Cup

While on a vacation recently I was reminded as to why I enjoy photography so much. I woke up in my hotel room to the warm glow of golden sunlight beaming onto my face. Looking out the sliding glass door I could see the nearby hills aglow, and I sprung into action.

I scrambled to grab my camera which was resting on the desk near the TV. “Dang it,” I thought to myself, “wrong lens.” So I ran to the safe where I stowed my telephoto lens the previous day, changed the lens on the camera quickly, and bolted onto the patio to fire off a few frames.

In less than five minutes I managed to go from a deep sleep to taking pictures. It took a moment to realize that the sudden rush of excitement was the reason I love photography. In a deeper sense, the instant I opened my eyes I felt compelled to pick up a camera. There was no question in my mind what I needed to do, and that was to take a shot.

Photography is very often a slower, more deliberate process for me, but when fast changing light, or a fleeting moment presents itself, it is punctuated by bursts of flurried activity and peaked emotions of creative bliss. Usually the first thing in the morning I run for is coffee; on this way it was inspiring light.

Sandwiched Light